Thursday, October 14, 2010

Avalokiteshvara (Compassion & Purification Practice; A Short Chenrezig Meditation)

This is the eigth entry from my fieldwork diary. The original date is 01.06.2010.


Drupon Sangyas:

"Everybody needs this practice. It's very important to do the compassion and purification practice every day. It's the easiest one for reaching Nirvana. We shouldn't just listen, we need to follow it so that through this practice we can move away from Samsara.

True happiness does not come from power or material things. What we truly need is love and compassion. We all have kindness but we tend to gossip, keep secrets, close our own hearts etc. So we need to purify ourselves.

It isn't right to lie or steal. It is better to confess our deeds than to hide. That way, people will appreciate your honesty more and they will understand. Buddhists say you must tell the truth. Confessing is important.

If you're angry or jealous over other people you are only hurting yourself, you are creating more suffering for yourself.
So we need to try and calm down immediately when we become too emotional. Ignorance comes from the ego.

Your faith should be good and without hesitation. Buddha is compassionate, he is inside our minds. 5 poisons: desire, anger, ego, pride and jealousy. When we meditate these 5 negative emotions can become the opposite. During meditation we should try to calm down and cast away these negative thoughts and emotions. If you do it the right way, you will succeed.

During this practice visualize yourself as Avalokiteshvara. All sentient beings need love and compassion. We must wish that for them."


*Important side note: These diary entries do not reflect every word the teacher said, and there may be some mistakes or misunderstandings, for which I am sorry and accept responsibility. In a few instances, I have interjected my own interpretation or explanation.

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